May 25, 2008
Not as stimulating as I had hoped...
My stimulus check came in the mail yesterday, and I was highly disappointed. It wasn’t $600 like they said, and I was annoyed that they lied about it- everybody gets $600! yay! I must have missed some small print somewhere along the line. For awhile I made a big stink (mostly just to my family and other unfortunates who would listen to me), but then I sat down and realized that I didn’t even pay $600 in tax this year. I got back exactly the amount that I paid. I guess it makes sense that they wouldn't pay me the full $600 because then they really would be giving me free money, not just the illusion of free money. So yeah, I guess I should feel like a winner since I didn’t pay the IRS anything this year... woot…
I'm Canadian (obviously, by the username), so I didn't know how the stimulus worked in cases like yours... Interesting!
PS I've added you to my blogroll! I'm enjoying reading your blog :-)
That would be a bummer...I guess I paid a lot more in tax, so I got the full $600 (and deposited it into my emergency fund)
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