Jan 4, 2009

Travel Plans

I have to go back to school in a few days, and I'm not looking forward to it. So yes, I am already dreaming for the summer. This summer I won't be living out at school since my lease ends in May and picks up again in August, and I probably won't be working at all (I get a summer stipend from the university). What will I do to fill my time, you ask? Travel!! I have a whole bunch of different trips planned. Most are small(ish) weekend or day trips to places in the area that I've always wanted to go to but never have. My list of places to visit in my lifetime keeps growing and growing, so this summer will be my time to check some off! Naturally, since they are fairly close, I hope to do all of these trips on a tight budget to save money. As of now, the list of places I'm planning to go includes:
  • Niagara Falls
  • Pittsburgh
  • Boston
  • Longwood Gardens
  • Newport, RI
  • Montreal & Quebec City
A road trip with my best girlfriend to either Chicago or Nashville might also be in the works- we're not sure yet. But the Montreal trip is the one I'm most excited about, since I'll be visiting one of my best friends who lives up there. I've never been to Canada, and Montreal both looks and seems like an exciting place, so it should be awesome.


JR Moreau said...

All of these places are great. I can especially vouch for Boston and Chicago :-)

Good for you. I hope you enjoy it!