Sep 28, 2009

End of September Ramblings

Man I am getting horrible at keeping up with this thing! It's not that I'm super duper busy or anything, it just seems that any free time I have is sucked up by hanging out with friends, reading for classes, or working on my candidacy proposal. But candidacy will be over in a few weeks, so maybe I'll have more free time then. After I turn in that paper that's due mid-semester... oy.

Money-wise, things are going alright. I am already doing so much better staying within my budget than I did last year. And I would have been exactly on budget for September except I bought three semi-expensive tickets -- the football game vs. Akron, Cirque du Soleil and Avenue Q. Each ticket was only around $30 though, so it could have been a lot worse! I'm not gonna keep it up though, so luckily there are no other shows coming up that I am dying to see. This might be it for the semester, unfortunately it all got piled up at once.


me in millions said...

I feel like that's how it always happens! Everything expensive is all at once... but then you have a month or two that is much less spendy. I think it all balances out in the end.

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