Jan 26, 2010

Taxes are done, biyotches!

I just filed my federal taxes!! WOOT! I am such a nerd, I really love doing taxes. But I am not alone in my nerdyness- we got our W-2's today and everyone in the office was starting to file their taxes right away. Or maybe that's not nerdom, it's just being broke, haha. But I just finished mine, and it looks like my refund will be $1,322!!! That's more than I've ever gotten before, usually I hover around $500-600. So this is definitely awesome. I also e-filed for the first time ever, and so I should have the money direct deposited to me in like 3 weeks or so!! :-D


SavingDiva said...

Awesome return! I'll also file my taxes as soon as possible. I haven't received all of my 1099s.

The Executioner said...

People who expect a refund file quickly. People who expect to owe take their sweet time.

ashley said...

Haha yeah, I guess that's exactly right... I've never owed yet though, so I have yet to experience the proper dread I guess.