Apr 27, 2009

The end is near

I'm in a really great mood lately. I'm not sure how this is possible since it's the end of the semester, but I am keeping on the positive side. I refuse to be crushed by all of the end-of-semester crap. I think it helps that the weather is absolutely wonderful lately. I took my students outside for class today, since we were just doing some partner work to review before their final. It was funny, they were all prepared to fight for it, and when I simply said yes they were so excited.

Other reasons why I am happy: a) Thursday is payday, b) my May rent is only half of what I usually pay, c) I gave a rockin' presentation today in class, and d) I have 7 out of 20 pages of my last term paper started (the other two papers are already finished)!!!


Needs Help said...

Glad you've been in a good mood lately! I really like the way your blog looks, how did you make it three columns? Hope you have a great week :)